Monthly Construction and Environmental Update
West End (Station 2137 at SR 79 to Station 2190)
- Gas utility contractor relocation work ongoing near SR 79 utilizing both open trench and directional bore methods of installation.
- Utility construction-related traffic control and water quality protection present.
- No clearing or roadway construction activities have taken place on West End.
East End (Station 2200 to Station 2235 at SR 75)
- Clearing underway for road construction and haul road construction near SR75.
- Disturbance and stabilization of site completed for about 3500 feet of project.
- Soil Nail Wall design and blasting plan under review by ALDOT.
- 30,000 tons of rip rap being placed for rock buttress near Soil Nail Wall
- Excavation and drainage for haul road construction ongoing.
- Temporary, permanent, and post-construction (BMPs) remain in place.
- Construction entrances remain stabilized.
- Disturbed areas temporarily stabilized with blown or hydraulically-applied mulch.
- Sediment barriers installed at buffers, stream and construction limits.
- Sediment Retention Barrier installed at several locations.
- Five sedimentation basins with skimmers and baffles completed.
- Five Level spreaders associated with permanent sedimentation basins
completed. - Temporary slope drains, diversion berms and swales, drainage sumps and ditch checks installed near haul road area.
- Cross drainage (48″ concrete pipe) completed near SR75.
- Approximately 400 feet of 8 x 6 foot box culvert installed near Station 2230.
Environmental Status this reporting period:
- 7 Rain Days: May 9 (0.22”), May 10 (0.12”), May 14 (1.11”), May 17 (0.10”), May 18 (0.39) May 28 (0.10’), May 29 (1.08”)
- Total rainfall approximately 3.12”
- No water quality violations this month.